BIr gun onceki yazdiklarimi okuyup inanamiyorum olanlara. Ne de guzel
bir torendi… Sabah 6:30 gibi duyduk cigi. Tam gozumuzun onunde, Khumbu
buzulunun uzerinde, 1. kampin hemen alt tarafinda. Bizim kampimiz
buzula en yakin kamplardan biri. Lakpa Rita’ydi kramponlarini gecirip
ilk kosan daga dogru. Daha sonra Mike, Andy, Ben, Eric… ve daha
baskalari. Helikopterler dondu durdu, inemedi. O kadar acinin icinde
bir de buzulun ustunde kucuk bir alan acmaya calistilar helikopter
inebilsin diye. Sonra olenler tek tek uzun bir halatin ucunda
indirildi. 12 helikopter ucusu. 12 can. 4 kayip. Yakti bizi.
Olenlerden 5’i bizim ekimizden Sherpalardi. Perisaniz. Dag 4 gun
kapatildi Sherpalar tarafindan. Karar verilecek. Onlarin dagi, onlarin
karari. Bekliyoruz. Bize birsey soylemek dusmez.
I just can’t believe what just happened after reading my post for the
day before. What a great Puja it was. We heard the avalanche around
6:30. Right in front of very eyes. Our camp is one of the closest to
the Khumbu icefall. It was Lakpa Rita who put his crampons and ran
towards the mountain the first. Then, Mike, Andy, Ben, Eric…. and some
others… Helicopters circled around but couldn’t land. Despite their
pain, those guys tried to open a pad for landing on the icefall. Then
bodies were brought down one by one on a long line. It broke us big
time.12 helicopter flights. 12 bodies. 4 lost. 5 of those Sherpas were
from our team. We are just sick with sadness. The mountain is closed
for 4 days by the Sherpas. It is their mountain, their decision. We
are waiting. We are not in a place to say anything.