Bugun Puja gunuydu. Puja toreni Sherpalar ve dagcilar icin cok onemli
bir toren. Daga ayak basmadan once dagdan izin almak ve kullanacagimiz
ekipmanin kutsanmasi icin yapiliyor (Dugun, dogum gibi onemli olaylar
icin de yapiliyor). Asagi koylerden gelen bir Lama toreni yurutuyor.
Daha once Sherpalarin gunler suren ugrasi sonunda hazirlanan platform
ve kulenin onunde herkes Lama’nin arkasinda oturuyor ve dualar
esliginde dagdan izin aliniyor ve puja diregi dikiliyor. Daha sonra
her yone dua bayraklari acilip uzatiliyor. Toren Sherpalarin pirincten
yapilan geleneksel ickisi “cheng” ve daha baska bir takim alkol
esliginde devam ediyor. Alkol bu torenlerin onemli bir parcasi.
Sherpalar daha sonra altar esliginde danslar ediyor ve biz de
katiliyoruz. Cok guzel bir gun.
Today was the Puja day. Puja is a very important ceremony for Sherpas
and the mountaineers. It is about getting permission from the mountain
and blessing some equipment Sherpas and mountaineers will be using.
(The same ceremony is done also for weddings, etc.) A Lama from the
lower villages leads the ceremony on the platform and around the altar
that Sherpas have been working on building for days. We all sat behind
the Lama while prayers are done and the Puja tower is put on the altar
with prayer flags extended to all directions. The ceremony continues
with Sherpas drinking their traditional rice drink “cheng” and some
other alcohol which are significant parts of these ceremonies. Sherpas
and us then dance around the altar for a while. Good day.



Ekipmanlar kutsanirken / Some of my gear being blessed

Ekipmanlar kutsanirken / Some of my gear being blessed